Wednesday, August 26, 2020

William Shakespeares Hamlet Essays - Characters In Hamlet, Fiction

William Shakespeare's Hamlet Julian Goldblatt AP English Extra Credit In William Shakespeare's Hamlet, the hero displays an astounding, misleading nature. Hamlet repudiates himself all through the play, suffering both the ethics of acting a job and that of being consistent with one's self. He further backings both of these clashing endorements with his activities. This vagueness is shown by his supposed franticness, just to turn out to be completely quiet and judicious a moment later. These irregularities are connected with the interior issues he faces. He battles with the issue of vindicating his dad's demise, vowing to kill Claudius and afterward retreating, a few times. The purpose behind this wavering is legitimately identified with his powerlessness to frame a strong sentiment about pretending. This trouble is absent, in any case, toward the beginning of the play. In the principal demonstration, Hamlet has all the earmarks of being exceptionally direct in his activities and internal state. When interrogated by Gertrude concerning his despairing appearance, Hamlet says, Seems, madam? Nay it is. I know not 'appears.' (1.2.76). This is to state, I am what I seem, by all accounts, to be. Later in act I, Hamlet makes an understood explanation about his state when he subscribes to vindicate. In this announcement the play makes a simple to follow move. This move comprises of Hamlet surrendering the job of an understudy and grieving child. Hamlet says, I'll wipe away all minor affectionate records, All saws of books, all structures, all weights past, That young and perception duplicated there, And thy rule in solitude will live Within the book and volume of my cerebrum (1.5.99-103). Hamlet is pronouncing that he will be focused on nothing else except for the vengeance of his dad's demise. In the following demonstration, be that as it may, Hamlet's sta tus and aims abruptly, and with out showed reason, become buried in disarray. At the point when Hamlet shows up again in act two, it appears he has lost the conviction that was available before. He presently can't seem to take up the job allocated to him by the phantom. It isn't until the finish of the demonstration that he even notices retribution. In the event that he had any of the conviction demonstrated before he would have been mulling over his vengeance. Along these lines, rather than filling the role of the vindictive child, he remains in the center, claiming to be distraught. This is indicated when he says to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, I know not-lost all my gaiety, done without all custom of activity (2.2.298-299). Later he discloses to them that he is simply pretending franticness when he says, I am nevertheless distraught north-north-west, when the breeze is southerly, I know a bird of prey from a handsaw (2.2.380-381). Conceding so explicitly that he is just pretending franticness would infer that he is OK with it. It is baffling that, now, Hamlet is alright with acting, however not with the job that he said he would play before. In the event that he is to assume a job, why not the one that his dad allocated him? At the point when the characters arrive in a brief time later, his demeanor changes. Hamlet is incited to retaliation, once more, by the moving discourse that is given by one of the characters. He makes a major development of what he ought to have done and how he will be vindicated. After the entirety of his swearing and backing of the benefit of acting and words, he retreats from it once more. He can't choose whether or not to assume the job. Words are a further denounced when he says, Must, similar to a prostitute, unload my hart with Words (2.2.587). In this way, he is presently denouncing pretending. Being trapped in the center, he concludes that he needs increasingly verification of the Kings blame when he says, The play is the thing? Wherein I'll get the inner voice of the King ( 2.2.606-607). Before the mousetrap is to be played, Hamlet runs into Ophelia and makes the telling proclamations. Upon the issue of Ophelia's excellence, Hamlet says, That on the off chance that you be straightforward and reasonable, your trustworthiness ought to concede no talk to your magnificence (3.1.109-110). He is stating that Ophelia can be straightforward and reasonable, however that, genuineness being an internal characteristic, and reasonableness being an outward quality, yet the two can't be connected. He goes on further to state that Ay, genuinely, for the

Saturday, August 22, 2020

criminal factors Essays -- essays research papers

What makes crooks? Have you at any point asked why some social gatherings are more inclined to wrongdoing than others are? Would it be advisable for us to infer that a few gatherings are progressively inclined to wrongdoing or that they are simply placed in a circumstance that makes them bound to carry out violations? Despite the examination in the previous years there is still no definitive proof regarding why a few people in similar circumstances decide to carry out violations while the others don’t. There are various reasons that guilty parties resort to wrongdoing; Families, sexual orientation, monetary status, age, and race are altogether substantial clarifications said by numerous scholars with respect to why certain social gatherings carry out violations, and why certain gatherings remain away. Hitched life is the standard of our general public yet it can likewise cause strain and anguish. Alongside the blessing of another life, there likewise comes new issues. In many cases the decision of getting hitched is the main significant choice in a youngster or woman’s life, and soon there are more family members, more bills, clashing plans, irritating propensities that one’s life partner may create, kids, being that 50% of all relationships end in separate, these are things that most couples can't survive, society is to where for each marriage there is a corresponding separation. At the point when these new obstacles are not beaten then a messed up home is the most well-known outcome. At the point when this occurs, at that point the probability of an individual being headed to wrongdoing skyrockets. One begins to feel that they are useless and that they are bound to be forlorn always, when this happens, wrongdoing is their next alternative. A messed up family can cr eate in various manners, separation, passing, or partition. Marriage is a typical however not the most probable explanation that some retreat to wrongdoing. Somebody who generally perpetrates a wrongdoing at a youthful age is regularly distinguished as a brought into the world lawbreaker, these crazy activities for a powerless and guiltless youngster are passed down because of inherited characteristics that go starting with one age then onto the next. It is said that these culpable youngsters don't have the foggiest idea about any better in view of their attributes, and the enviroment that they are raised in (Erikson 1964). These kids have some expertise in wrongdoing and misconduct similarly as others may spend significant time in the study hall or sports. They aren’t ready to differentiate between a degenerate demonstration or something gainful, for example, An in the study hall. â€Å"When we characterize somebody or some gathering as freak - we fortify ... ... By and large, prisoners are more youthful than everyone. It is evident that some social gatherings are in circumstances increasingly helpful for wrongdoing, in light of nature they live in. Young men and men overwhelm in wrongdoing. Capture, self report and exploitation information all mirrors that young men and men execute more traditional and genuine violations than young ladies and ladies. Apparently young men and men never again are "normal subjects" of brutality and that as equivalent rights and women's activist gatherings become more grounded and increasingly significant so to do ladies in wrongdoing. Regarding race and wrongdoing, wrongdoing will proceed among minorities until a harmony in social class and occupation positioning is met. The subject of financial matters as a reason for wrongdoing finds that individuals are not constrained into wrongdoing since they are poor, but since they are not equipped for getting the extravagances that they have considered necessities. They have gone from being in an agreeable, utilized state to a jobless and troublesome state and no longer can maintain an unsustainable lifestyle. All in all, law guilty parties feel that by turning out to be criminally dynamic they can expound themselves of any social or mental issue they may have. criminal components Essays - papers examine papers What makes crooks? Have you at any point asked why some social gatherings are more inclined to wrongdoing than others are? Would it be a good idea for us to reason that a few gatherings are progressively inclined to wrongdoing or that they are simply placed in a circumstance that makes them bound to perpetrate violations? Regardless of the exploration in the previous years there is still no definitive proof with regards to why a few people in similar circumstances decide to carry out wrongdoings while the others don’t. There are various reasons that guilty parties resort to wrongdoing; Families, sexual orientation, monetary status, age, and race are for the most part substantial clarifications said by numerous scholars regarding why certain social gatherings carry out violations, and why certain gatherings remain away. Hitched life is the standard of our general public yet it can likewise cause strain and anguish. Alongside the blessing of another life, there additionally comes new issues. Regularly the decision of getting hitched is the main significant choice in a youngster or woman’s life, and soon there are more family members, more bills, clashing plans, irritating propensities that one’s mate may create, kids, being that 50% of all relationships end in separate, these are things that most couples can't survive, society is to where for each marriage there is a matching separation. At the point when these new obstacles are not conquered then a wrecked home is the most well-known outcome. At the point when this occurs, at that point the probability of an individual being headed to wrongdoing skyrockets. One begins to believe that they are useless and that they are bound to be desolate everlastingly, when this happens, wrongdoing is their next alternative. A wrecked family can produ ce in various manners, separation, passing, or partition. Marriage is a typical however not the most probable explanation that some retreat to wrongdoing. Somebody who for the most part carries out a wrongdoing at a youthful age is regularly recognized as a brought into the world lawbreaker, these careless activities for a powerless and guiltless kid are passed down because of innate attributes that go starting with one age then onto the next. It is said that these culpable youngsters don't have the foggiest idea about any better in light of their attributes, and the enviroment that they are raised in (Erikson 1964). These kids represent considerable authority in wrongdoing and misconduct similarly as others may have practical experience in the study hall or sports. They aren’t ready to differentiate between a freak demonstration or something beneficial, for example, An in the study hall. â€Å"When we characterize somebody or some gathering as freak - we fortify ... ... By and large, prisoners are more youthful than everybody. It is obvious that some social gatherings are in circumstances increasingly helpful for wrongdoing, in light of nature they live in. Young men and men rule in wrongdoing. Capture, self report and exploitation information all mirrors that young men and men execute more customary and genuine violations than young ladies and ladies. Apparently young men and men never again are "normal subjects" of viciousness and that as equivalent rights and women's activist gatherings become more grounded and progressively significant so to do ladies in wrongdoing. As far as race and wrongdoing, wrongdoing will proceed among minorities until a harmony in social class and employment positioning is met. The subject of financial matters as a reason for wrongdoing finds that individuals are not constrained into wrongdoing since they are poor, but since they are not fit for getting the extravagances that they have considered necessities. They have gone from being in an agreeable, utilized state to a jobless and extremely troublesome state and no longer can maintain an unsustainable lifestyle. Taking everything into account, law wrongdoers feel that by turning out to be criminally dynamic they can expand themselves of any social or mental issue they may have.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Word of the Week Palimpsest Richmond Writing

Word of the Week Palimpsest Richmond Writing This one is so much easier to understand than to say! It refers to a text that has been erased and its writing surface reused. I first learned about palimpsests in Mr. Nobles course in Medieval History, at UVA, in the early 80s. He was a great lecturer, and he had us spellbound as he recounted the recovery of ancient texts, presumably lost, when modern researchers examined Medieval manuscripts under UV light. The OED Online provides a comprehensive entry, with the history of the word dating to the 17th Century. I will focus less on that than on how Literary Theorists tend to use the word, rather loosely and sometimes far too often. The palimpsest as recycled material makes great sense, given the enormous cost of vellum in the Middle Ages. The concurrent impetus to erase the pagan past, ironically, may have preserved fragments of it for us. Had monks more vellum, many more works from Antiquity would have presumably vanished. One entire text by Archimedes comes to us this way, but mostly we have bit and pieces of others. Modern usage includes the looser idea of anything partly erased by later action, with traces of the earlier meaning remaining. I have heard this in academic talks and read it in articles for years.   Heres a well crafted example from Leila Walkers 2012 article, The Child of the City and the Palimpsest at Sea: De Quincey’s Chronological Constraints: A palimpsest arranges its history simultaneously, although the text was recorded sequentially. Each successive layer was added at a particular moment in time, and yet, once added, each layer occupies the same material space as all other layers. This writer uses the word well in a symbolic sense. Its a powerful if often confusing metaphor in contemporary literary theory. I have never been comfortable with the word, since it has too many consonants in odd places. I am also uncomfortable with the idea, one hard to deny, of our entire civilization being a palimpsest. Traces of what came before remain, like the old Richmond trolley tracks, surrounded by granite cobbles and peeking through asphalt poured over an entire street. Ancient bigotries also darkly glimmer under the placid surface, while old sacrifices, some noble, some not so, linger just at the edge of vision. When future ages inscribe their texts upon the scraped-bare vellum of our civilization, I wonder what they will put there? 7/2/18 Update from Cynthia Price, our Director of Media Public Relations: Curious about today’s word. Specifically, in many villages in Africa the students turn newspapers and books sideways to write in the white spaces because they don’t have access to new books. Obviously, the words have not been erased. Would one still call the document a palimpsest since the writing surface is being reused? Im not sure, but its close. The children would probably erase the original text if they could, in order to have more writing space. I also am impressed by the perseverance of those who do not have the luxury to simply toss paper into bins, as we also do. Image courtesy of Wikipedia. This blog will continue all summer, so nominate a word by e-mailing me (jessid -at- richmond -dot- edu) or leaving a comment below. See all of our Words of the Week  here.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Motor Vehicle Safety Essays - 903 Words

Motor Vehicle Safety Motor accidents are one of the leading causes of unintentional injuries in the United States. In the year 2000 the National Highway Trafï ¬ c Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimated that around 41,000 people were killed in traffic accidents within the United States. This mortality rate has since dropped 25% from 2000 to 2009 (Rockett et al., 2012). There are many reasons for motor vehicle injuries, ranging from lack of seat belt use, elderly drivers, alcohol and young children being improperly secured. All of these things factor into motor injuries differently and must be addressed as a separate problem. Highway safety is an important issue in public health and many things have already been implemented to help reduce†¦show more content†¦ASAP has led the way for many alcohol programs to follow including many citizen organized programs. Programs such as Remove Intoxicated Drivers (RID) in 1978 and Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) in 1980. These programs were created by people personally affected by a accident caused by drunk driving. Their focus is to prevent the loss of loved ones for other families. These programs educate the public on the risks of DUI and promote safer driving and smarter choices. MADD has even received support from alcohol companies because of their focus on the offender, and not blaming the alcohol companies. Alcohol related highway fatalities in 1982 were at 57% of all fatalities. This number dropped to only 38% by 1999. In 2005 vehicle crashes were a leading cause of injury and death for children over the age of one. 510 children 3 years or younger were killed in a highway accidents in 2005.Proper restraint for children must be used until they have reached the recommend height. Child restraint systems for children help to reduce serious injury by up to 70% in an accident. (Anderson Rice, 2009) Simply restraining the child with a seatbelt though is not enough. For children under the age of 5, child safety seats are far more effective then seat belts at preventing injuries in a crash. Until the child is old enough or tall enough to use a seat belt child safety seats are far superior then seat belts. It is up to the parent or guardian to ensureShow MoreRelatedOverview of Motor Vehicle Safety2505 Words   |  10 Pagesï » ¿Motor/Vehicle Safety Introduction In order to deal with global and national road casualty reduction objectives and to achieve a more protected road traffic system, improvement of vehicle safety is a key policy. Vehicle safety, in actual, is a means to address the safety of all who use roads. At present, it consists of measures that are helpful in avoiding a crash or reducing injury in the occurrence of a crash. In the last two decades, considerable and evidence-based improvements have been madeRead MoreSafety At Home And Motor Vehicle Crash1605 Words   |  7 Pageslife-changing injuries. (Safety at Home; Motor Vehicle Crash) This just means people are dying everyday just because they won’t put on their seatbelts. Arguably one of the most important pronouncements of his political career, Governor Corzine issued these words in a public service announcement once he recovered from injuries suffered in a car accident on April 12, 2007, an accident in which he wasn’t wearing his seatbelt. Corzine’s body was slammed around the inside of his SUV after the vehicle collided withRead MoreFederal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards Essay927 Words   |  4 PagesStandards Association), GB (Guo Biao or National Standard for the People’s Republic of China), US DOT FMVSS ( Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards and Regulations), and BATSO (Battery Safety Organization). These organizations set the standards to help minimize safety risks which include but are not limited to fire, explosion, and shock. These standards are in place to try and assess the safety risk associated with these new technologies and to help engineer them to be safer. This research paper willRead MoreVehicle Safety : Features / Effectiveness, Role Of Traffic Psychologists, And Motor Vehicle Injury Control2126 Words   |  9 Pages Vehicle Safety: Features/Effectiveness, Role of Traffic Psychologists, and Motor Vehicle Injury Control Vehicle safety is a growing concern of many U.S. citizens each year. As a society, it is expected to have a safe environment that people can be in without the stress and anxiety that they might have regarding safety in or around motor vehicles. Fortunately, vehicles have increased the amount of safety features over the years, allowing people to be more comfortable with their surroundings. VehicleRead MoreEssay about NR505 Critique of Systematic Research Review1493 Words   |  6 PagesChild Passenger Safety Chamberlain College of Nursing NR505 Advanced Research Methods May 2012 Analysis and Application of a Clinical Practice Guideline: Child Passenger Safety Motor vehicle crashes are identified as the leading cause of death in children under 19 years of age across the United States (Sauber-Schatz, West, Bergen, 2014). Due to the large number of child deaths that occur each year, education regarding the proper use of child passenger safety seats must beRead MoreThe National Highway Traffic Safety Administration800 Words   |  4 PagesThe market for vehicles is dominated by well-known companies like Ford Motors, German carmakers BMW, GM Motors but the estimated $20 billion market for autonomous vehicles like ours is still under development. During this time our main competitors are still working on prototypes and are in development and testing phases. Our current size can be an issue when it comes to competing with established auto companies like Ford Motors and tech companies like Google, Inc. Currently, Google, Inc. has theirRead MoreLaws And Laws Of Driving License1540 Words   |  7 PagesDriving License As per the Section 3 of the Central Motor Vehicle Act, 1988 nobody can drive at any public place until he holds an effective driving license issued to him authorizing him to drive the vehicle. Exception to drive a transport vehicle such a motor cab or motor vehicle hired by him for his own use or rented under a scheme. Section 5 of the Motor Vehicle Act, 1988 talks about the responsibility of the owner to not to allow one’s vehicle to be driven by others. Different types of drivingRead MoreWhat Is The Policy Of Nationwide Structural Concrete?733 Words   |  3 PagesSummary It is the policy of Nationwide Structural Concrete that our passenger vehicles (including vans and light-duty trucks) will be used only for company business and will be operated only by authorized persons who meet the driver criteria in our vehicle safety program. This policy applies to our company-owned vehicles and private or rental vehicles authorized for use on company business. All employees must comply with federal, state and local laws and policies and be â€Å"job-ready† when they areRead MoreDecision Making And Control Of The American Auto Industry992 Words   |  4 Pagestechnology for powering the product that this industry produces: The world’s motor industry have all adapted and utilized technology to enhance production and increase product competition. General motors, America’s number one motor company have developed a lot of interesting features in cars which have made their products highly sort after. They developed crash-test dummies which are used in testing of new cars for safety during an accident before the cars are released into the market. They haveRead MoreA Brief Note On The American Auto Industry980 Words   |  4 Pagestechnology for powering the product that this industry produces: The world’s motor industry have all adapted and utilized technology to enhance production and increase product competiti on. General motors, America’s number one motor company have developed a lot of interesting features in cars which have made their products highly sort after. They developed crash-test dummies which are used in testing of new cars for safety during an accident before the cars are released into the market. They have

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The Effects Of Greed In Joseph Conrads Heart Of Darkness

Greed can push both ruthless and innocent people to hurt others. In the 18th and 19th centuries, Europeans wanted to imperialize many countries in Africa for land and resources such as gold and cash crops. They also desired economic, social, and political control along with the success of converting Africans to European politics and religion. Europeans sought to have an economic and political dominance over African Americans. The cruelty that the Africans faced is displayed in Joseph Conrad’s, Heart of Darkness. Raising questions about both racism and imperialism, the novel includes Kurtz, a character with greed for the valuable resource, ivory. Conrad comments on the horrific corruptibility of humanity through the narrator, Charles†¦show more content†¦The Company tries to cover up their malicious deeds by making them sound noble, even when the outcomes result in sickness and death. Their business is supposed to help the natives, but rather, they are using it for the ir own benefits. The accountant also swings over the fact that the whites dislike the natives, and the Europeans would do anything to keep their professions. Thus, Marlow’s aunt and the accountant symbolize the chicanery of imperialism and how the employees of the Company do not out any attention to the fact that they are actually hurting the innocent natives. Kurtz, who has an obsession to power is included in the novella by Conrad to symbolize the greediness for ivory and the immoral values of the Europeans. Initially, Kurtz was out to explore and actually benefit the natives, but that changes when he becomes powerful. Eventually, Kurtz makes it obvious that he is out for one thing, and that is ivory. Unlike the Company, he actually displays his greediness for ivory by threatening his own employees. Kurtz â€Å"[declares] he would shoot [the harlequin] unless [he] gave him the ivory† and then commands him to leave the country (126). This presents how he utilizes force to achieve his goals. Kurtz represents the unconcealed avarice of the Company. Kurtz is also another one of the characters that knows that he is harming others, but still desires to get as much ivory as he can. Ivory â€Å"was whispered, was sighed. You would think they wereShow MoreRelatedHeart of Darkness/Blood Diamond Essay1194 Words   |  5 PagesGreed is the Root of All Evil Greed exists at the centre of evil on not only an individual level, but also that of a communal and global level. Contextually there is a superficial alteration in the stimulus (Ivory vs. diamond) for greed and of global awareness towards the issue, although in the century that separates Joseph Conrad’s exploration of colonial regime in his novella Heart of Darkness and Edward Zwick’s post-colonial film Blood Diamond, the values driving the major characters and factionsRead MoreHeart of Darkness: Cruelty Essay1118 Words   |  5 PagesHeart of Darkness: Cruelty David Yu In Joseph Conrads book Heart of Darkness the Europeans are cut off from civilization, overtaken by greed, exploitation, and material interests from his own kind. Conrad develops themes of personal power, individual responsibility, and social justice. His book has all the trappings of the conventional adventure tale - mystery, exotic setting, escape, suspense, unexpected attack. The book is a record of things seen and done by Conrad while in the BelgianRead MoreCorruption Of Imperialism In Joseph Conrads Heart Of Darkness1473 Words   |  6 Pagessome individuals may maintain their integrity in corrupt situations, and therefore not become corrupt themselves. Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad relates to both the idea that an individual can become corrupt in a corrupt environment, and that some individuals can uphold their integrity in a corrupt situation. Both of these reactions can be seen in the main characters of Heart of Darkness, Kurtz and Marlow, in Kurtz’ becoming corrupt due to imperialism in the Congo, while still upholding some integrityRead MoreAnalysis Of Joseph Conrad s Heart Of Darkness963 Words   |  4 Pagesmillion people. Heart of Darkness, by Joseph Conrad, can be criticised through many different lenses. Though Natives are a large part of Conrad’s narrative of European atrocities in the Congo, his treatment of Congolese Natives throughout the book show them to be nothing more than props. Conrad skews Natives language, culture and intelligence to fit Europeans schema for Africa and Africans. Conrad’s Heart of Darkness is placed in a colonized Congo. ...despite Heart of Darkness s (Joseph Conrad) obviousRead More Light and Dark of Colonialism and Imperialism in Heart of Darkness1542 Words   |  7 PagesThe Light and Dark of Colonialism Exposed in Heart of Darkness       In Heart of Darkness, Joseph Conrad, challenges a dominant view by exposing the evil nature and the darkness associated with the colonialist ventures. It is expressed by Marlow as robbery with violence, aggravated murder on a great scale, and men going at it blind - as it is very proper for those who tackle a darkness. The European colonialists are portrayed as blind lightbearers, people having a faà §ade of progress and cultureRead More Colonialism and Imperialism in Conrads Heart of Darkness Essay1016 Words   |  5 PagesImperialism Exposed in Conrads Heart of Darkness      Ã‚   Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness is a novel about European imperialism and its far-reaching effects. Conrad relates his personal opinions through the protagonist, Marlow, who learns a great deal about imperialism while on a journey to the African Congo. Although Heart of Darkness seems to be an anti-imperialistic work, this is not entirely true. Conrad condemns the overly idealistic nature of imperialism, but does not attack BritainsRead MoreToday, modern society is experience more and more of a disconnect from the real world as we connect800 Words   |  4 Pagesmodernize, we experience the same sort of falling out with the natural order of things that authors near the turn of the century felt as their culture changed. T.S. Eliot, Joseph Conrad, and D.H. Lawrence are only three such authors to put pen to paper to explore this deracination. Eliot’s The Waste Land, Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, and Lawrence’s â€Å"The Rocking Horse Winner† explore the idea that modern life and society negatively affects those who succumb to its rhythms. In the first section of TheRead MoreThe Importance Of Imperialism In Joseph Conrads Heart Of Darkness1174 Words   |  5 PagesOn the surface, Conrad’s work seems to simply stress, â€Å"Humanity is important; fidelity is the highest virtue† (Moser, 1966, pg 11) but is both more subtle and complex. Even in the title of the book, Heart of Darkness, has significance. Africa’s Victorian era nickname was the ‘dark continent’, which â€Å"referred to the fact that little was known in the West about the interior of the continent† (, 2017). Therefore, Congo is the interior or ‘heart’ of Africa. This title also alludes toRead MoreHeart Of Darkness By Joseph Conrad1378 Words   |  6 PagesBecca Woytassek AP English 12 Heart of Darkness Reading Log Author: Joseph Conrad Title: Heart of Darkness Original Publication Date: 1899 Kind of Writing: Heart of Darkness is a colonial novella of an expository narrative. Writer’s Purpose and Intended Audience Joseph Conrad wrote Heart of Darkness because he wanted to expose human temptation to experiment with darkness when one’s own desires overcome one’s morals. By writing from his own experience of exploring the Congo, Conrad draws conclusionsRead More The Changing Personality of Kurtz in Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness887 Words   |  4 PagesHeart of Darkness   - The Changing   Personality of Kurtz      Ã‚   Kurtzs character is fully facet (in Conrads Heart of Darkness), not because of his conventional roll of antagonist, but for his roll in a historical fiction as a character with important roll in society, influenced by those close to him. Kurtz makes some key developments in the way he interacts with others, in large part due to the words and actions of society and Kurtzs acquaintances.    Heart of Darkness is a novel

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Starbucks Review Free Essays

Review of Starbucks: A Step Above DeVry University Review of Starbucks: A Step Above The product I chose to review is the Starbucks Corporation; the Starbucks Corporation is an American global coffee company and Italian-style coffeehouse chain based in Seattle, Washington (â€Å"Starbucks,† 2012). Starbucks is the largest coffeehouse company in the world, with 19,972 stores in 60 countries, including 12,937 in the United States, 1,273 in Canada, 971 in Japan, 790 in the United Kingdom, 657 in China, 453 in South Korea, 356 in Mexico, 276 in Taiwan, 200 in the Philippines, 158 in Thailand and 1 in India (â€Å"How many Starbucks,† 2012) . The first Starbucks opened in Seattle, Washington, on March 30, 1971 by three partners: English teacher Jerry Baldwin, history teacher Zev Siegl, and writer Gordon Bowker. We will write a custom essay sample on Starbucks Review or any similar topic only for you Order Now The three were inspired by coffee roasting entrepreneur Alfred Peet, whom they knew personally, to sell high-quality coffee beans and equipment (â€Å"Starbucks,† 2012). Let’s take a look at how and why Starbucks is a step above the competition and on a straight path of success. Starbucks not only sells amazing coffee blends and delectable pastries but as a corporation always looking for ways to stay ahead. I want this review to be more than just a review of coffee, this is a review of Starbucks as a corporation and how they use their position to make the communities they serve better places. Starbuck defines corporate responsibility and fairness. The most amazing observation about Starbucks is all the charities and forms of help they offer. For starters Starbucks and the Opportunity Finance Network have bracelets available for a $5 donation to support and create local jobs, these are available at all Starbucks. Starbucks also takes place in fair trade and ethical sourcing, which brings stability to other regions in which supply their corporation. Other forms of support are the millions of dollars in grant money Starbucks supplies to youth leadership programs within the communities they serve and Review of Starbucks: A Step Above thousands of hours of community service to improve those communities. Other strengths that propel Starbucks ahead of the competition are their community stores, leadership and education programs, housing initiatives and their Starbucks foundation which above all else is about helping their communities and the countries in which supply them (â€Å"Being a responsible,† 2012). Another form of strengths that really set Starbucks ahead of their competition is their beverage selection. Starbucks offers many different coffee verities from flavors to different strengths which allow them to appeal to many different consumers. You can also purchase most coffee drinks hot, cold or frozen which sets them ahead of other coffee houses. Besides coffee Starbucks also offers tea and other non-coffee beverages as well pastries and on the go sandwiches for the breakfast and lunch crowd. Most recent expansion of the Starbucks line was their addition to the K-Cup line and the release of their very own single cup brewer, this giving the consumer the ability to enjoy a hot fresh cup of Starbucks in the comfort of their own home. Also Starbucks offers a unique and comforting experience at each one of their stores, no two are the same and each store is modeled after the community it is located. Overall Starbucks is a true competitor and leader in the coffee market as well exemplifying corporate responsibility. This company not only serves refreshing beverages and delicious treats but uses their influence and power to improve the communities they serve and benefit the countries that supply them. Starbucks started as a small company in Seattle in 1971 and became a worldwide leader in the coffee industry as well a global corporation for good. This is what truly sets Starbucks a step above the competition. References Being a responsible company. (2012, November 13). Retrieved from http://www. starbucks. com/ How many starbucks are there?. (2012, Sep 8). Retrieved from http://loxcel. com/sbux-faq. html Starbucks. (2012, Nov 13). Retrieved from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Starbucks How to cite Starbucks Review, Essay examples

Monday, May 4, 2020

Streams Of Silver By Ra Salvatore Essay Example For Students

Streams Of Silver By Ra Salvatore Essay The novel Streams of Silver by R. A. Salvatore is an epic fantasy adventure set in the realm of Faerun, Salvatores fictional world filled with goblins, elves, dwarves and other mysterious and terrible creatures. It tells the story of a group of friends and adventurers who are traveling to aid a friend in realizing his lifes dream and unknowingly to protect one of their friends from a great evil. The story is packed full of battle, adventure, deceit, and friendship. The storys main characters include the returned Drizzt DoUrden, the noble dark elf, Bruenor Battlehammer, dwarven king with a temper as short as his height, Wulfgar, the young barbarian who wishes to expand his narrow view of the world, Cattie Brie, adopted human daughter of Bruenor, and Regis, a halfling who loves comfort more than any other being to have lived. There are also other characters, such as Artemis Entreri, a feared and heartless assassin who lives only by his blade, and Dendybar the Mottled, an opportunistic and ambitious old wizard who isnt afraid to toss aside loyalties for his own gain. The story begins by taking off from where the previous novel, The Crystal Shard, left off, where Bruenor Battlehammer leads his friends Regis, Drizzt, and Wulfgar on a quest to find his long lost underground kingdom and reclaim the throne and treasures within. The group finds themselves in mostly high spirits in the beginning of the journey; however, foreshadowing shows that the group is not alone, and is most certainly not protected from evil and watchful eyes. The group is being followed by the notorious Artemis Entreri, who seeks to capture Regis and return him to his guild master in a land far south. They are also being monitored by a powerful wizard named Dendybar the Mottled, who seeks an ancient and evil artifact that was last possessed by Drizzt DoUrden. The adventurers meet trouble not long after they enter their first city, the port town of Luskan; Wulfgar completely demolishes a bar and its denizens in a fierce bar room brawl, while Bruenor and Drizzt nearly end up on the bad end of a dirty dealing. The group is able to escape after a while, and find themselves leaving the city of Luskan and out on the road to a more helpful location. They travel through the dense and deadly wilderness and battle fierce orcs and barbarians, hoping to reach their destination, the town of Longsaddle. In the meantime, Artemis Entreri, with Bruenors adopted daughter Cattie Brie as his hostage, has tracked the groups movements to Luskan, where he encounters the evil wizard Dendybar and his two cohorts Sydney, the wizards apprentice, and Jierdan, the proud soldier. Realizing that their goals could both be completed if they worked together, the assassin and the wizard strike an alliance, much to Artemis Entreris distaste. Soon after, Dendybar sends Sydney and Jierdan, along with his flesh golem Bok, to aid Entreri in the search for Bruenors party. The dark group easily find themselves in the city of Silverymoon, and prepare to lie in wait for the adventurers to fall into their grasp. Meanwhile, the heroes of our story had reached Longsaddle and met up with the eccentric wizard family known better as the Harpells. They soon discovered that the sky was the limit for these strange wizards, who constantly flirted with danger and with physical boundaries with their magic. The group receives helpful advice from an elder Harpell, and are sent off on their way to the village of Nesme, where they are cruelly rebuked due to Drizzts skin color and his heritage. The disheartened party are then forced to go through the dreaded Trollmoors, home to evil trolls and other denizens of darkness, in order to reach Silverymoon, one of the greatest and well known cities in the realm and known as a city of great tolerance. It takes them days to get through the Trollmoors, and each of them was filled with battle and danger. .u1a806f98921d076e0d78a1e99f3024be , .u1a806f98921d076e0d78a1e99f3024be .postImageUrl , .u1a806f98921d076e0d78a1e99f3024be .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u1a806f98921d076e0d78a1e99f3024be , .u1a806f98921d076e0d78a1e99f3024be:hover , .u1a806f98921d076e0d78a1e99f3024be:visited , .u1a806f98921d076e0d78a1e99f3024be:active { border:0!important; } .u1a806f98921d076e0d78a1e99f3024be .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u1a806f98921d076e0d78a1e99f3024be { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u1a806f98921d076e0d78a1e99f3024be:active , .u1a806f98921d076e0d78a1e99f3024be:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u1a806f98921d076e0d78a1e99f3024be .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u1a806f98921d076e0d78a1e99f3024be .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u1a806f98921d076e0d78a1e99f3024be .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u1a806f98921d076e0d78a1e99f3024be .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u1a806f98921d076e0d78a1e99f3024be:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u1a806f98921d076e0d78a1e99f3024be .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u1a806f98921d076e0d78a1e99f3024be .u1a806f98921d076e0d78a1e99f3024be-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u1a806f98921d076e0d78a1e99f3024be:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: "My Antonia" EssayThe friends are barely able to escape alive. Upon reaching Silverymoon, the friends, to their surprise and dismay, once again find themselves seemingly rejected due to Drizzts appearance, which hurts the dark elf deeply. This misunderstanding is soon cleared after the ruler of the city, Lady Alustriel, meets with Drizzt privately and explains her reasons for denying him entrance, and in turn helping Drizzt and his friends find the path to Bruenors lost home, Mithral Hall. Around the same time, Entreris group had caught wind of Drizzts arrival and set off after the group in hot pursuit. After several mishaps, which includes Entreri killing Jierdan in a duel and Cattie Brie escaping the groups clutches to reunite with her friends, the group finally clashes with Bruenors party in the kingdom of Mithral Hall. Artemis Entreri and Drizzt do battle for a short period of time, but in that instance discover a deep link to each other. Each realizes the other person as almost his mirror image, and skill wise the two are equals. It is their morals that seperate them, however. Drizzt and Entreri become seperated from the others after a cave in, and the other groups presume them dead. In an effort to leave the halls which took his best friend, Bruenor unwittingly stumbles into the midst of the Halls current owner, the shadow dragon Shimmergloom. Although Bruenor, Wulfgar, and Cattie Brie, who had acquired a legendary bow from one of the treasuries, battled courageously, the dwarven king had to end up sacrificing himself in order to save his children and slay the dragon once and for all. It is during this time that the story ends with Drizzt reuniting with his friends and Artemis Entreri capturing Regis and goading Drizzt into following him south so that they may do battle once again. Having to save his friend, Drizzt has no choice but to comply. This story has many themes, but one stands out amongst them all: prejudice. Due to Drizzts dark skin and heritage, many people would not see him as the noble ranger he was, but as what his people are in general; cruel, murderous, and evil. This has disheartened Drizzt on many occasions, and has almost led him to reconsider his decision to forsake his homeland many times. But his friends, who look beyond his skin and see his true self, always remind him that his choice was a wise one. I recommend this book to anyone who loves adventure, and deep storylines, although I recommend they read The Crystal Shard first to get a better grip on this story.