Wednesday, December 25, 2019

How Cultural Diversity Is Changing The Workforce. In Today’S

How Cultural Diversity Is Changing the Workforce In today’s society there are many culturally diverse people in the workforce. Most organizations can no longer make the assumption that every employee has similar beliefs or expectations. When entering into the global marketplace, people are considered one of the most valuable resources to an organization’s success. A well-managed culturally diverse workforce has the potential to thrive if managed correctly; or if mismanaged, there can be devastating negative attributes. With great expectations, culturally diverse employees can foster positive outcomes in the workplace. A company’s acknowledgement to embrace diversity and change, and implement the value of management techniques are†¦show more content†¦From our research, we identified three different perspectives on workforce diversity that people embrace, each with different implications for a work group’s ability to realize the benefits of its cul tural diversity. We use these observations here to examine critically some of the themes and basic assumptions of previous research and to propose new directions for both researchers and practitioners interested in diversity (Ely Thomas, 2001). When organizations have a diverse economy, it makes the company strong. Once our nation has embrace the changes from the demographics that reap the economic benefits of a diverse and inclusive workforce. Burns et al. (2012) stated in their investigation that: â€Å"In June 2012, approximately 155,163,00 people were in the labor force (those actively employed or seeking employment). With a total U.S. working-age population of approximately 243 million individuals, the labor force participation rate currently stands at 63.8 percent. Out of those 155 million individuals in the labor force, 142,415,00 are currently employed, with unemployment hovering around 8.2 percent†. Statics stated by 2020 the labor force is projected to reach more than 146 million U.S. citizens, a 5.9 percent from today. Economists predict the labor force participation rate will decrease over the coming decades, as an agingShow MoreRelatedDiversity Management and Cultural Intelligence1260 Words   |  6 PagesK. Carroll Current Issues in OB Final Diversity Management and Cultural Intelligence Diversity Management and cultural intelligence is the crucial keys in today’s workforce to successfully compete in a global marketplace. Corporations can no longer use lack of cultural intelligence as an excuse. Organizations pursuing global success must embrace diversity in their thoughts, actions, and innovations. Diversity doesn’t just focus on making the numbers, but how the organization’s business model is rootedRead MoreThe Treasure Trove Of The Aging Workforce Essay953 Words   |  4 PagesThe Treasure Trove of the Aging Workforce Tajh T. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Fast Food Nation And Movie Review Essay - 1862 Words

The fast food empire is one of the largest and highest earning industries in the world. Yet even with the lime light constantly on it, fast food organizations continue to poorly treat workers, serve unhealthy food and find ways to carry out corrupt business. This paper will discuss these hidden secrets and also compare and contrast the differences in the book â€Å"Fast Food Nation† and the movie â€Å"Fast Food Nation†. The book and movie follow the same ideas but both uniquely describe and display the workings behind the fast food business, thus giving the widest possible perspective on the industry. By examining the images of the movie and the descriptions of the book, we can truly see why the United States has become a fast food nation. Today’s society is obsessed with speed. People want faster cars, quicker internet connection, speedier athletes and now more than ever, more rapid food service. It seems that the saying â€Å"quality over quantity† is n ow just a tired old expression. People want cheap food that they can easily access, and want to have little to no cleanup. This has created a generation of customers that now expect their food almost instantly. Besides the consumer being an advocate of a quick meal, the industry its self is the real speed demon. Workers safety is the least concern when it comes to the big executives of these corporate giants; the main concern is how much product can they make in the shortest amount of time, and in short, how much money can they make.Show MoreRelatedInside Job Movie Review1111 Words   |  5 PagesMovie Review of â€Å"INSIDE JOB† â€Å"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man s needs, but not every man s greed,† said Mahatma Gandhi and this is somewhat the crux of this movie. Inside Job is directed by Charles Ferguson, and it highlights the reasons and the consequences of the global financial crisis of 2008. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

Scattered free essay sample

The breeze cools my sweating face as I make a left off of Blackwell Avenue. I adjust my headphones and turn the volume up to the highest setting. This is when the thinking starts, my thoughts drown the music to a quiet murmur.This summer will be much different than my last. I used to spend every single day with my friend, Kelsey; I have not seen her in four weeks. She is too far away. The gas is too expensive, my brakes need to be changed, but I do not get my paycheck until next Friday. How much do brakes cost? I still need to find a dress for Ashley’s birthday party. Maybe Carolyn could lend me the blue one, yeah with the jeweled neckline†¦I need to speak to my manager again tonight to make sure he can get me extra hours next week. I should be closing the store tonight, so I’ll be home by ten. We will write a custom essay sample on Scattered or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Home. Could I even call it that? Which one? Have I ever had a real home?I have lived in six different â€Å"homes†. Scraps of memories are left behind at each place, scattering me across the state. My parents are both an hour away from where I live, work and go to school. My brother, sister, Mommom and Poppop are each fifty miles away from Princeton. I know my Dad is pouring concrete right now. He must be dying in the heat today. If I were home, I’d bring him a sandwich. He would love salami, prosciutto, provolone with roasted peppers on Italian bread. A touch of olive oil and a Vitamin Water. The pink one with the blue label is his favorite.I see a glimpse of my Dad again; wiping the sweat from his forehead with his dirt encrusted and calloused palm. I see the bright faces of new friends strangled by the dull reoccurring images of old ones. My chest starts to contract tightly, and my stomach flexes. There it is again, the clash of agony and unconditional love.What was I going to say when I saw her this weekend? My mom knows that she is the reason I left home. We have argued about it countless times. I am just a teenager, with problems of my own.I think of our conversations, I picture her face. Her dark blue eyes settle in my head and are the catalyst of the torment deep in my chest.I quickly look down at the dark screen of my Ipod. The same blue eyes glare back through the blurred reflection.It is a sunny day and I’m sure she is sitting on the porch with a glass of wine in one hand and a cigarette in the other. She is rocking back and forth on the worn down, white chair with a newly opened bottle perched by her side accompanied by two larger, empty bottles. I shake the scarred image from my head just as one of my favorite songs begins to play. I do not remember hearing music at all until now. The lyrics start to break through my chaotic train of thought as I focus on my breathing. I breathe perfectly in sync with the beat of the song. My legs are throbbing, yet I feel powerful, invincible almost. The beat pulses through my body and takes full control of my cluttered mind. I look around me, but I am not just looking at my surroundings. I feel the hot sun beating against my freckled shoulders. I inhale the smell of fresh cut grass and exhale the negativity of my mind. I feel the energy from the sun and unleash it on each step I take. The mayhem of my memory dissolves into the vibration of music coursing through my veins. When I finally reach the street sign, I do not stop. I glance again at the blue eyes that are both hers and mine. I take a deep breath, and run right past Blackwell Avenue.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Stolen Jane Harrison Notes Essay Example

Stolen Jane Harrison Notes Essay Whoa Im going- home- Sandy 37. Either way, I love them both- Anne 38. Im finally going to meet my mother- Jimmy 39. And Im goanna catch that fish- Sandy Structure for text response Typical sentence structures (Insert evidence egg quote or event) denoting/highlighting/showing/indicating accentuating/implying/suggesting Ins (insert point being made here) OR (Insert point being made here) is denoted/shown/demonstrated as (insert evidence here) Typical paragraph structures ) Statement made (what are you arguing) 2) Supporting evidence (how is the shown) 3) Conclusion made (what does it show). Repeat this until you have four or five points to support your overall contention. Themes (And Evidence Home and Family, where is home? Anne is confused who are her real parent Abuse What does physical and sexual abuse do? Mental health worsens. R example, evidence of trauma in Ruby Identity Who are you? What do you stand for? For example, Jimmys speech in prison Mistreatment (of Aborigines) Ruby is told to do everything, Sandys mum is raped, verbal buses of Jimmy, he is put in prison Escaping/Fear Sandy is always running away, Jimmy steals and runs Betrayal Ruby feels betrayed, Jimmy feels betrayed Coping Emotional trauma, stress. Shirley is happier now that she has a granddaughter, Jimmy kills himself, and he is unable to cope. Ruby has a mental breakdown, she is unable to cope to. Jimmy and Ruby are the most obvious victims in Stolen, but all suffer in Ethel different ways. Discuss The physical and sexual abuse experienced by Ruby and Jimmy is obviously very visible to others. We will write a custom essay sample on Stolen Jane Harrison Notes specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Stolen Jane Harrison Notes specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Stolen Jane Harrison Notes specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The loss that Ruby and Jimmy suffered was a loss of dignity and to the extent that they were both unable to keep fighting l just cant [fight] no more or hold on to any hope of reuniting with their families because their pain was too great they stuck a knife into me heart The children were deceived with the hopes of being cared for matron said they guan take one of us home and when they understood the truth they were disheartened and lost in silence I promised not to tell Jimmy and Ruby both led very tragic lives by the closing scene of the play, implying that perhaps hey are the greatest sufferers because of their obvious pain. Jimmy the playful young boy has had his heart ripped apart by the hope Im finally guan meet my mother of finally reconnecting with his mum and the despair of her death, and takes his own life as a melancholy prison inmate, at the end he said Im going now, to be with my mother and died . Unlike Jimmy, Ruby has the chance to be with her family again, her sister said Sis, weve come to take you home but her mental and emotional state is beyond repair after the mage done to her, dont live in no home anymore In Rubys family come to visit it appears Ruby is inevitably set to live a lonely and disjointed life F she continues to even have the strength or will to live. The remaining characters, Anne, Shirley and Sandy all suffer huge depths of despair, yet their suffering appears to lessen to some degree in the eyes of the viewer/reader due to their hope, determination and stability which in some ways assist them in attempting to resolve their problems and become reunited with their loved on es. Appearing to never give up is Anne, the young girl brought up by white adoptive parents and never told of her Aboriginal family and heritage until seemingly too late Its about your mother Shes dying she is caught between two very different worlds, communities and families. Anne seems very stable and loved by her adoptive parents, but should they really be considered loving considering they never told Anne who she was, what her identity is, until too late. As a result she is torn apart and finds it incredibly difficult to find her place any,Inhere, Am I black or white